Award Criteria

Nursery Training & Development

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the exceptional training provided by the group, nursery or individual (up to 300  words)
– Explain how this training has proved beneficial to the children and staff (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee”

Supporting Evidence
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff regarding the training and development support they receive
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)
– Provide examples of the training courses/qualifications staff have completed/are completing as part of the training “

Individual Nursery

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of life in the nominated nursery on a day to day basis, also including the structure of learning, provisions for staff training, safety and security (up to 300 words)
– Give a brief description of the sort of activities the children take part in and how they are designed to stimulate (up to 200 words)
– Provide a brief summary of business performance over the last three years (up to 200 words)
– 30 word profile of the nursery

 Supporting Evidence
– A summary of the most recent inspection report rating
– Supply 1-5 photographs of the nursery and activities
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff and parents to support the entry
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)

Nursery Indoor Learning Environment

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of how the indoor learning environment excites and inspires the children and staff (up to 400 words)
– Explain how the environment empowers children to drive their own learning with examples of learning materials and activities (up to 400 words)
– 30 word profile of the setting

Supporting Evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating
– Supply 1-5 photographs showing indoor learning areas

Nursery Room Leader


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

Give full details of this individual’s contribution to making their room an outstanding place for children to be. Provide evidence of the individual’s ability to support and develop other team members, resolve conflicts and provide age-appropriate activities. (300 words)
– Give a full description of this individual’s ability to observe and track children’s learning and development and demonstrate how they have used their integrity and empathy to benefit their children (200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee

Supporting Evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating for the nursery where this individual works
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, staff and parents
– Provide details of training, qualifications or accreditations this individual has received

Community Nursery of the Year


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

Give a full description of how the nursery:
– Engages the local community by sharing their expertise more widely e.g. parent support classes, drop-ins (up to 250 words)
– Make use of local expertise and resources wherever possible e.g. tradesmen and suppliers (up to 250 words)
– Ensure that all children who want a place can access one (up to 250 words)
– Find ways to make their nursery sustainable e.g. accessing grants (up to 250 words)
– Provide a 30 word profile of the nursery

Supporting evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating
– Supply 1-5 photos showing the community nursery
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff and parents to support the entry
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)

Nursery Manager


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Show in what ways the individual has (up to 300 words):
1. Leadership skills and the ability to support, develop and motivate staff (up to 100 words)
2. The ability to work with young children and their families in a sensitive and positive way (up to 100 words)
3. The ability to create a safe, caring and stimulating environment (up to 100 words)
– Give a summary including examples if available, of how the individual’s role and day to day management is so outstanding (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of the nominee

Supporting evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating for the setting the individual manages
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from a selection of children, staff and parents
– Provide details of training, qualification or accreditations the individual has received

Nursery Business Development

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the new launch/expansion including the rationale (200 words)
– For a launch please explain why it has been ‘outstanding’ including how it has benefitted the children, parents, staff and surrounding community (300 words
– OR for an expansion please explain why the expansion has been ‘significant’ including how it has benefitted your children, parents, staff and surrounding communities (300 words)
– 30 word profile of the business

Supporting Evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating/s if available
– Supply 1-5 photographs highlighting the best details of the launch/expansion
– Provide 1-5 testimonials to support the entry


Nursery Operations/Area Manager


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Provide examples of where the individual has (up to 300 words):
1. Promoted good practice in their settings
2. Provided support, training and guidance for the managers they are responsible for
– Summarise the positive management impact the individual has had on their children and staff (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee

Supporting evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating/s for the setting or settings the individual is responsible for
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff to support the entry

Nursery Chef

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Outline the reasons how the nominee shows exceptional ability in providing well-balanced, nutritious and delicious food that takes into account individual needs of children (up to 250 words)
– Explain how the nominee develops menus for the nursery, giving special attention to the nutritional needs of under-fives (up to 250 words)
– 30 word biography of the nominee

Supporting Evidence
– Provide a copy of a monthly menu served within the last 3 months
– Provide testimonials from colleagues or parents/carers about the nominee
– Any qualifications that relate to their role

The SENCo Award

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give full details about the positive effect the individual has had on the children, parents and staff within the setting since being in their role (up to 250 words)
– Describe how this individual delivers exceptional childcare for children with SEN (up to 250 words)
– Explain how they assess and track the learning and development of children with SEN (up to 250 words)

Supporting Evidence
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, staff and parents.
– Provide details of training, qualification or accreditations the individual has received.

Nursery Outdoor Learning Environment


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of how the outdoor learning environment excites and inspires the children (up to 400 words)
– Explain how the environment empowers children to become more confident and creative, including examples of activities and resources (up to 400 words)
– 30 word profile of the setting

Supporting Evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating
– Supply 1-5 photographs showing outdoor learning areas

Parent Engagement


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of how you have integrated parent engagement into your nursery (up to 400 words)
– How has this positively impacted both staff and children? (up to 250 words)
– How have you and your team approached challenges involving parent engagement? (up to 250 words)

Supporting Evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, staff and parents

Nursery Nurse / Childcare Practitioner Award

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give full details about the positive effect the individual has had on the children, parents and staff within the setting since being in their role (up to 300 words)
– Give a full description of why and how the nominee has proved to be exceptional within their day to day duties (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee

Supporting Evidence
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, staff and parents
– Provide details of training, qualification or accreditations the individual has received

Nursery Personality of the Year

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Describe how the individual’s ‘personality’ plays a role in the care they deliver (up to 300 words)
– Explain how the individual has influenced or inspired those they have worked with (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee

Supporting Evidence
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, staff and parents

Technology Product of the Year

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the technology/software product (up to 300 words)
– Detail how this technology/software has supported nurseries (up to 250 words)
– Provide a brief summary of product performance over the last two years (up to 300 words)

Supporting Evidence
– Supply 1-5 photos of the product
– Provide 1-5 testimonials to support the entry

Apprenticeship Scheme of the Year


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Explain how your scheme works (up to 500 words)
– Provide evidence of the skills and understanding that apprentices will develop during their apprenticeship (up to 200 words)
– Explain the benefits that the apprenticeships have brought as well as how the apprentices’ benefit from training with your organisation (up to 300 words)
– Detail what sets your scheme apart from others in the market (up to 200 words)
– Provide information regarding your on-going commitment and plans for the future of the apprenticeship scheme (up to 300 words)

Supporting evidence
– Provide 3-5 testimonials from those who have worked through the scheme
– Give details on how many apprentices are enrolled and future target numbers
– Provide evidence on the levels of apprenticeships available and how many have successfully passed the scheme

Apprentice of the Year

Please submit ALL the following (any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded)

– 30 word profile of the nominee and reason for nominating them
– Give some background into the apprenticeship scheme the nominee is part of and the stage of their journey
– Provide evidence of the skills and understanding that the nominee has developed during their apprenticeship (up to 200 words)

Supporting evidence
– Provide 3-5 testimonials from those who work alongside or manage the nominee
– Give details on their trajectory and expectations
– Provide evidence of any qualifications if applicable.

Nursery Team


Please submit ALL the following (any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded)


– Explain why this team would be a worthy winner of the award (up to 500 words) including how the staff have the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to observe, assess and plan together for their children’s wellbeing
– 30 word profile of the team

Supporting evidence

– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating from the nursery where the team is based
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from children, related staff, management and parents

Nursery Group (Small)


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the nursery group including how many settings, and numbers of children and members of staff (up to 300 words)
– Give an account (up to 250 words) of:
1. The corporate identity, values and focus
2. The Group’s strengths/USP’s, training systems and approaches currently in place
3. The Group’s success in delivering high quality care across the group including plans for the future
4. A brief summary of the group’s business success over the last 3 years
– 30 word profile of the Nursery Group

Supporting evidence
– Include the most recent inspection ratings for all settings (eg 5 Outstanding, 3 Good or 5 Very Good, 3 Good)
– Supply 1-5 photos showing some of the group’s settings
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff and parents to support the entry
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)

Nursery Group (Medium)


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the nursery group including how many settings, and numbers of children and members of staff (up to 300 words)
– Give an account (up to 250 words) of:
1. The corporate identity, values and focus
2. The Group’s strengths/USP’s, training systems and approaches currently in place
3. The Group’s success in delivering high quality care across the group including plans for the future
4. A brief summary of the group’s business success over the last 3 years
– 30 word profile of the Nursery Group

Supporting evidence
– Include the most recent inspection ratings for all settings (eg 5 Outstanding, 3 Good or 5 Very Good, 3 Good)
– Supply 1-5 photos showing some of the group’s settings
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff and parents to support the entry
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)

Nursery Group (Large)

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the nursery group including how many settings, and numbers of children and members of staff (up to 300 words)
– Give an account (up to 250 words) of:
1. The corporate identity, values and focus
2. The Group’s strengths/USP’s, training systems and approaches currently in place
3. The Group’s success in delivering high quality care across the group including plans for the future
4. A brief summary of the group’s business success over the last 3 years
– 30 word profile of the Nursery Group

New Nursery


Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Give a full description of the new nursery including the inspiration behind it (200 words)
– Detail your business plans and goals for the next 12 months including child development, staffing, occupancy and community engagement
– 50 -100 word short profile of your pedagogy

Supporting evidence
– Supply 1-5 photographs of the nursery and activities
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff and parents to support the entry
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating (if applicable).

Supplier of the Year

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Provide an overview of the entire initiative, capturing the most important information from beginning to end (up to 1000 words):
– Examples of extraordinary service delivery
1. Innovation/uniqueness of the initiative
2. Impacts and benefits
– Show clear evidence of the positive impact this initiative has had on the business (up to 250 words)
– 30 word profile of the nominee

Supporting Evidence
– Provide 1 – 5 testimonials from providers/customers
– Provide details of any recognition or accreditation from any recognised bodies (if applicable)”

Deputy Nursery Manager of the Year

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– Provide examples of where this deputy manager has (up to 300 words):
1. Promoted good practice and care in their setting/s
2. Provided support, training and guidance for their team
3. Support their manager in applying and delivering the nursery goals
– Summarise the positive management impact the individual has had on their children and staff (up to 200 words)
– 30 word biography of nominee

Supporting evidence
– Include a summary of the most recent inspection report rating/s for the setting or settings the individual is responsible for
– Provide 1-5 testimonials from staff to support the entry

Newcomer of the Year

Please submit ALL of the following. Any entries which do not submit the requirements will be disregarded.

– 30 word profile of the nominee and reason for nominating
– Provide evidence of the skills and understanding that the nominee has developed during their time at the nursery (up to 200 words)

Supporting evidence
– Provide 3-5 testimonials from those who work alongside or manage the nominee
– Provide evidence of any qualifications they are working towards or have if applicable”

Outstanding Contribution of an Individual


Lifetime Achievement

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